Using the local storage

OK, so lets the local browser storage in our component.

Edit the minicart.js to have a code like

Re-deploy if you must and observe the Local Storage – it should have a new key there named cartExtra, just like on this picture


Well, since you’ve come this far, congratulations, you are a very good developer, and I’m sure you do not need any further explanations about the code 🙂

Feel free to checkout the source code from tag 0.4.0

Thank you for reading.

Passing customer data to the Minicart

In a previous article, How Magento passes server data to minicart.js, we saw how Magento will use the general window object to pass server data, and later in article Pass our own server data to the Minicart we saw how to pass data via the <script type=”text/x-magento-init”>.

But, where exactly is the customer data, like, the cart items, coming from?

I will start looking at the original minicart.js, as set in the module-checkout and reffered to quite a lot so far. This is a good entry point

First to notice, var items is acquired from this.getCartParam() function which is defined as

which means that there is internal property named cart, that among other keys, contains the items key as well.

Indeed, we can see this is a “class level” attribute and is defined as an empty object like cart: {}.

Lets take a look at initialize() again, specifically at

And then this leads to the update() function

OK, it is now clear that the update() function does add keys and assigns values to the this.cart, and that as an input parameter it uses: customerData.get(‘cart’);

And what is customerData? Well, lets look at the define section of this RequireJs module and notice that this is another module, defined originally in Magento_Customer/js/customer-data and loaded in this minicart.js

What this means? This minicart.js is dependent on another module, and that module on its own is responsible to provide the data. The minicart.js methods are merely reading this and re-distributing in its own properties (this.cart) in the way that will be most convenient to do the display of the data.

So, we are coming to the an important notice here: minicart.js is within the web/js/view folder of the module-checkout. Please notice that there are /web/js/action and web/js/model folders as well.
This all means, there are .js modules that will be focusing on modeling (defining the essence of the js object) or taking actions only (like collecting and submitting data from and to the server), and sure enough, there are .js modules, just like our minicart.js that will be used for the rendering part of this whole idea.

You see, the web/js folder is now a complicated mini JS application in itself. Slightly of topic here, but each Magento module, may have its own JS application embedded with its /web folder. Just keep this in mind. This well may be the future of the Web, not just Magento: any reusable headless back-end component (module, bundle) may come with at least one default front-end implementation, i.e. the default head.

Anyway, the question of how the minicart.js gets its data from the server, has now transposed into how Magento_Customer/js/customer-data gets its data?


First thing to notice this js file returns a js object like return customerData;

Containing other function and objects as well as few plain old listeners ($(document).on()), the essence of this file is to produce and return the customerData variable, which means whoever claims that they depend on the customer-data.js, they will get this customerData object.

So, what to focus to? Its not easy to know what to look at, so it is always a good practice to set a couple of break points here and there and see when they get to be executed in the js stack.

But, by habit almost, lets start at the init() function. I lead you to focus on this code

There are there different sections and the get their data from dataProvider.getFromStorage().

And dataProvider is defined in this same file, above the customerData object. Looking at the getFromStorage definition we see

The last ingredient here is to notice that storage is defined even further above in this file like:

Suffice it to say the browser’s local storage is a mechanism for storing data on a browser level and applications can use this for storing variables that are going to be used between two requests (remember HTTP being stateless?). For more info, please google and find more suitable articles.

Anyway, Magento has set its own storage key named ‘mage-cache-storage‘ and you can observe this is you were to load any magento frontend page and the inspect then , in Chrome -> Application -> Local storage, or in Mozilla -> Storage -> Local Storage.

There are of course other keys, but lets focus on the ‘cart’ one. It looks something like


So, this is how some of the server data is available to the js scripts. Perhaps in another article in the future I will tackle the topic of how this cart section of the mage-cache-storage gets set in the first place, but you do not have to go far to see how this might be done. Search, within customer-data.js, the update() function and you should find this implementation

I leave it up to you how all of this flows. For this you could set a debug point, perhaps before the _.each function. Remove an item from the cart and this code will be triggered, but regardless of how complicated it might look, updating the storage boils down to storage.set(your-section, your-section-data);

After this I hope you have a nicer understanding how data is passed from the server and used by the frontend JS scripts. And again, “scripts” here is a sort of diminishment, since, all of the front scripts, as pointed earlier are specializing and contributing to somewhat larger – they product front head that nicely correlates to the back-end.

In the last article of this series, lets write some simple code to use the local browser storage capacity ourselves.

Thank you for reading.

Override the Minicart

So far I have altered some of the behavior of the Minicart using mixins. This usually means adding more properties and behavior to an already present functionality. With mixins, the properties and behavior of two different objects are merged and you end up enhancing your object in a way that is not possible via classical inheritance principles.

This given, deciding how many items can be shown in a given moment is not mixing up properties, since, well, the maxItemsToDisplay has always been there, I just updated its value. This is practically overriding and I’ve used mixins for it.

In this article here we will be overriding the minicart component. Lets get started.

I assume you are the 0.2.0 version of the program. If you have loaded perhaps the home page of your application (or any other page except the checkout) and have added one break-point at this line

you will see the data behind the component may look like


In the case of the screenshot, the component is: “Magento_Checkout/js/view/minicart”.

So, lets do a couple of file system changes. First, change view/frontend/requirejs-config.js content to

OK, so, this code practically says we do not need requirejs-config.js at all!

But, I thought you might want to keep the old code commented out just as a reminder to the mixins syntax, and if you would keep the file, well, it needs to have var config in it. An empty one, but, has to have it.

If you do not want to keep the old mixins config, simply remove the file.

Next, edit the minicart.js to look like

In the define, a dependency is added to the original minicart and that compoenent is now internally here referred to as Minicart. We extend it and return it with return Minicart.extend({.

The rest of the code, you have noticed, especially the initialize() function, is exactly the same!

We can’t stop here. This component won’t be loaded. There is an .xml file that dictates the js loading. In our case the original file is

so, we need to override it. Create default.xml file inside view/frontend/layout in your module with the following content

Find that line where the compoent is specified and edit Vendor_Yourmodule accordingly to your module.

So, re-deploy static content, clear magento cache and browser cache and you are done!

Set a brake point just like earlier and notice that the minicart component name is not the default one!

As one extra thing, we can deploy our own .html template file. First create file content.html inside view/frontend/web/template/ folder of your extension with this content

This is basically the original file, but I have added one single line

Since new .html file is used, make sure that the default.xml specifies your file instead of the default one. Do this over here

Once you are done, a mere magento cache flush should sufice it, and you should see the Maximum items to display 1 message at the top of the minicart container.

You can always check the code from the 0.3.0 tag for comparison.

Notes and Conclusion


<span text=”some-js-variable-here” /> that is added to the content.html is NOT available by default Knockout.

Something like

<span data-bind=”text: maxItemsToDisplay”>

is probably the normal Knockout syntax.

Magento has simply taken Knockout a step further adding one more layer of abstraction here. By not clearly listing all of these specifics, Magento does make these things one level harder for the community.

Anyway, we have now the mini-cart overridden.

As a summary, to achieve this
– we don’t need to create requirejs-config.js at all to override a js component
– we do need to override a native layout .xml file
– we could specify our own .html template

Addressing finally the elephant in the room: initialize() is completely the same both in using the mixins and the override approach. Well, we are anyway returning some-object.extend(), and it is the same object, we merely use different references for it. And in both cases our code executes before the original initialize() does. So, naturally, the code stays the same.

This last one can be very instructive: if the code from version 0.3.0 is claimed to be a better solution to the requirements, it is only because it satisfied and acknowledges the well established classical idea/concept of overriding. It does not work better, and you’ve already tackled a default.xml file which you did not had to do it 0.2.0.

Thus, almost always ask yourself: is an established concept always worth applying?

I’d hate to leave you with such philosophical questions, so, lets continue and extend this series and take a look at the question: where the data is really coming from.



Pass our own server data to the Minicart

From the previous post how server side data is being passed to the Minicart, you remember that Magento uses window.checkout object to configure the original minicart.js component. And I had an idea to modify the window.checkout object inside minicart.phtml, which seems rather straightforward and nice.

While this is all practical, lets try to figure out a way to pass data to our component in a way that the value is actually a property of the component.

If you are not the type that likes too much experiments, I promise, this is that type of article that has high chances of giving a headache, so, now is the moment to go back to your favorite series :). For the rest of you, lets start playing around with Magento by opening

and take a look at this code more carefully

In essence, this says:

Pass a JSON object to Magento_Ui/js/core/app

Practically, Magento_Ui/js/core/app is alias to app.js, which is found in vendor/magento/module-ui/view/base/web/js/core/app.js, and serves to create the UI components instances according to the configuration of the JSON using uiLayout.
(original text from:

Next, lets see where this $block->getJsLayout() code comes from.
Well, at the top of the minicart.phtml, we can see

but in the mentioned class there is no getJsLayout() method. Tracking through inheritance, gives us this chain

and inside the AbstractBlock we can see

If we were to setup a break point over here, we will see that $this->jsLayout is a mere PHP array that will be turned into json object, the content of which looks like


OK, since app.js serves to create instances according to configuration, and there is “config” key in this array, lets try to add data to the config.

Go ahead and create etc/di.xml with the following content

and inside the Block/Cart folder, create the class Sidebar.js with

If effect, I’ve set new key named maxItems with the config sub-array of the minicart_content component.

You probably need to re-compile so the server end actually considers using your block instead of the original, and you might need to re deploy the static content to get the .js changes.

Eventually, you will re-run the page and right click on the browser and “View Page Source”.  Search within the source for


and you will see what gets send to Magento_Ui/js/core/app.

I’ve copied the JSON that is passed and send it to, so I have a nice tree like representation which helps visualize things. Thus, the JSON object looks like


Great, the new key is there. But, how do we use it?

Replacing in minicart.js,
maxItemsToDisplay: 3

maxItemsToDisplay: origMiniCart.maxItems

does not work.

Well, if you make the code to be like

and set a break point at var tmp = origMiniCart; you will see that that tmp is actually uiClass constructor, which in essence means we still do not actually have our object. Remember, from previous tutorial, the original initialize() has not executed yet.

If we don’t have an object, then, lets just create one! Update the code to be like

Now, this works! But … why exactly?

It is important to know that you could send anything to your component in the config key and surely it will be available as property to your object. For example, lets say you have something like this in your .phtml

With this code

  • You have declared that your component is named mycomponentname
  • have told that the actual js file is Vendor_YourModule/js/mycomponent
  • have told what the .html template is Vendor_YourModule/mycomponenttemplate
  • set a component title
  • added a new config property named valueToPass

If you have your component instantiated at some point you should be able to call
and this will return 55.

But, the origMiniCart is still merely a constructor function, so, this is exactly what we remedy against.

Lets dig in the original minicart.js initialize() function. It surely does first its own specific things, but eventually returns

Well, lets track this and figure who is the parent of this component?

It actually says return Component.extend({ …,

and if we scroll up in the “define” section of this RequireJs module, we will see that Component is alias for uiComponent and actually refers to Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/collection.

If you wonder where this alias comes from, open

But anyways, opening Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/collection we see returns Element.extend({ and here Element is actually alias to uiElement, which (again from requirejs-config.js) is alias to Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/element/element.

Element is where for the first time we will see initialize() method that actually returns return this;, and not return this._super(); as wee saw in minicart.js.

So, uiElement is as far as the hierarchy goes. Therefore, if we typed in our initialize() something like

we will eventually force uiElement to return an actual object.

After that, its easier. We simple refer to the new property maxItems and assign it to the actual property that the original script uses, which is maxItemsToDisplay.

Finally, we return the parent object.

Check the 0.2.0 version of the module.


This article showed how to send new properties to a given component by passing customized json to app.js that added to the config array. Please keep in mind, that with this example, the new maxItems property is set to the original minicart component first. And this is all done in place after server side PHP has executed.

However, on the client end, at the moment of applying the mixins, I have instantiated an actual original minicart object, read from it the new property and updated an existing one. Not the most natural thing to do, but after this I hope you get a sense of what could potentially work as a way to pass server side data.

In the next article, we will continue to do an actual override of the component.

Thank you for reading.

How Magento passes server data to minicart.js

If you have ever build some admin grids that would list some entity data, you may have come across Data Sources. Magento recognizes the need to have a separate “channel” to be able to pass any server data into the java script objects and uses this Data Sources heavily in the admin section.

But, at the end of the day, its java script and if you want to make a variable available, you could always add it to the window object and all other js objects will have access to it.
Not ideal, but practical for sure!

In fact this is how its done in the original code:

Where is the checkout object set? Lets try common sense again! 🙂

It should be part of the checkout module, and it would be probably in a .pthml file. So, ask your favorite IDE to search in the vendor/magento/module-checkout folder for phrases like “window.checkout =”. Restrict this to a .pthml files only for faster processing.

Your IDE should find a match in

The code looks like

Yes, the $block has a method that creates a checkout object, which among other properties, has the maxItemsToDisplay set as well.

By the way, if you were to debug, eventually you will figure the maxItemsToDisplay gets to be populated from the configuration value from

Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout (Common sense, remember?) -> Shopping cart Sidebar -> Maximum number of items to display

But regardless of that, you should by now have an idea how to edit this if needed. There can be many ways like:

  • override the block by adding new method like getMySerializedConfig() and call that method in an overridden minicart.phtml file
  • override the minicart.phtml by adding a new like

There are various possibilities, it really depends on the needs, but, eventually, we will need to focus on passing values directly to the <script type=”text/x-magento-init”>, or in particular, extending this code:

The next article tries to pass our own server data to the Minicart.

Applying mixins to the minicart.js

Keeping in mind what has been done before, lets now do it right.

You will notice that editing the number of items to display is within this section of code

        return Component.extend({});

In fact, how things are set, maxItemsToDisplay is a property of this component.

On a contrary, this code

is not part of the Component object, but is well within the main anonymous function. This may not seem like an important thing, but actually, the way it is set leads to one important consequence:

This code is plain old jquery and not being part of the component means, that it sits there, loaded in the browser and listens for any direct clicks/taps.

This in particular means, it both gets executed as much as times there is a click/tap on the proper HTML element and has NO correlation/dependency on any other java script object that is already loaded. It just does a simple work on its own.

To confirm this, place a break-point in the original minicart.js and see how the execution is paused in the debugger every time you click to open the Mini cart.

Clear any earlier breakpoints and now place a break-point on this line

var self = this,

which is right within

and you will see that no matter what you do or click, the initialize function gets executed once and on page load.

Now keep this in mind, while we try to change the behavior of the Mini Cart component by applying mixins to it. (I’m assuming you already have created and enabled a module of yours, which is out of scope of this article.)

We will go through these two steps:

First, in you extension’s folder view/frontend add file requirejs-config.js with this content

And second, create the file minicart.js under the view/frontend/web/js folder of your extension, with this content

Re-deploy static content if you must, clear cache and voila, you are done!

What happened?

In requirejs-config.js, as the file name itself suggests, we have added configuration to requirejs, telling it to do something like:

RequireJs, there is a module under this path ‘Magento_Checkout/js/view/minicart’.
Would you please, find my new file under this path YourVendor_YourModule/js/minicart and apply mixins to it?

Mixins? Suffice it to say, there are two JS objects and you want to merge their properties and functions. Well, the idea behind is multiple inheritance and JS certainly makes this possible.
At the end of the operation, when mixins are applied, new object emerges that has the combined properties of both of the objects. This is not something that you can achieve with plain old Object Oriented Programming.
I have said this in a oversimplified manner, and some of you may want to continue elsewhere to gather more details about how mixins work.

OK, that given, our code, that it is supposed to be merged with the original minicart.js is

See, Magento has implemented RequireJs in a way that you are kindly getting a reference to the target object. I have named that object origMiniCart.

We might want to thank Underscore.js for the possibility to call origMiniCart.extend({}), but it is clear that with this we can properly override the component properties in a good way.

I have set maxItemsToDisplay: 3 and returned the extended component.

The code so far was solving requirement B: display only 3 items.

You will notice that the code that addresses requirement A  has nothing to with the component and it is mere jquery

Please notice that

does NOT contain the initSidebar() call. The call to initSidebar() stays as is in the original minicart.js

Now, lets debug:

add a break-point at localBody.css(‘overflow’,’hidden’); in your minicart.js and one at initSidebar() in the original minicart.js

Click to show the Mini Cart.

You will notice that first the debugger stops in the overridden file , executing to hide the overflow, and only then moves to execute the initSidebar() in the original.

Now, lets clear any breakpoints for clarity and add new ones.
One at return origMiniCart.extend({ in your minicart.js and one at var self = this, within the initialize() method in the original minicart.js

When you reload the page, you will notice the same order of execution: first your code is executed, and then the execution moves to the original initialize().

For those that you have come this far, one last info.

Open file

Locate this code

The comment above the function is sufficient enough to figure that the value to be modified, i.e. the original component is referred to as the “target”. After the modification the “target” will be returned.

Feel free to check the git repository for tag 0.1.0:

Thank you for coming this far.

In the next article we will talk about parameters passing. Since this maxItemsToDisplay: 3 is a bit … hardcoded, no? 🙂

Locating and Editing minicart.js

How do you locate the component? There are many ways, but lets try to use both common sense and common tools.

In Google Chrome, just like mentioned earlier, in any Magento page (except the checkout), right click in your browser and then click “Inspect”. Then move to the “Sources” tab.
For those of you who prefer Firefox, right click in your browser and then click “Inspect Element”. Then move to the “Debugger” tab.

Now, in the left sidebar we see all available sources, and we will continue to focus on the pub/static folder.
Continue to open this path: /pub/static/frontend/[vendor]/[theme]/[locale].
This usually resolves to: /pub/static/frontend/magento/luma/en_US. (And yes, /pub may not be there is your web server is pointing to the /pub folder directly.)

But, moving back to the important issue. What’s next?
Well, common sense says that if the cart itself is part of the Magento Checkout module, perhaps the Mini Cart is too.

So, we continue to try and open folder Magento_Checkout/js and then we see it is very easy to spot /view/minicart.js. This is our component!

So far, we were looking at the deployed file in the /static folder, but now it is not hard to locate the actual source file:
Now, lets solve the problem in a bad way.

Find this code

and change it to

Tip: if you’ve edited the file in the /vendor folder, you might need to re-deploy the static content. This given, changing the file directly in /static folder, may be more practical for trial and error approach like this.

Eventually, reload the page and click on the mini cart icon. It works! The window scroll on the right of the window is gone.

However, if we now close the mini cart, the scroll is still gone.

So, add this code

below the code that you edited earlier (but above return Component.extend({)

There, done.

Now, move a bit down and spot this line

change it to

Re-deploy and clean cache if you must. But there, you are done! Take a brake now 🙂

Next, we will apply mixins to the original minicart component.

Repository Interfaces

The Repository interfaces are a sub-type of the Service interfaces.

Suppose you have an object of type Magento\Catalog\Model\Product to which, as usual, can call the save() method. This either creates new product or updates an existing one.

In Magento 2, there is another way to save a product by using an instance from Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository like

What happens here?

Well, instead of calling the save() method on the Magento\Catalog\Model\Product object itself, we pass this object to the save() method of an object of type Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductRepository.

So, what is the difference?

Let us first see, what happens if you use the save() method directly on a product model like

The model class itself is Magento\Catalog\Model\Product

Within, search for the definition of the save() method.

None found right? Well, there’s beforeSave() and afterSave(), but not save() itself.


Thus, we need to turn our attention to the parent classes of Magento\Catalog\Model\Product.

We need to pass through Magento\Catalog\Model\AbstractModel and Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractExtensibleModel, just to finally arrive at Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel.

Sure enough, there is a save() method here and it looks something like

We see now, whenerver save() is called on any model, the actual method comes from this AbstractModel, and the implementation is that the RESOURCE MODEL actually does the saving.

This last one is not surprising given that we’ve been always, since like from the beggining of time in Magento 1.0, creating both a Model and a Resource model for just about any entity.

Now, lets take a look at how the ProductRepository works.

Lets open file

This interface demands that there is a save() method, among other methods.

Who is actually implementing this interface? Lets open file /etc/di.xml and check line 10

So, we can check the implementation of the save() method inside

and it starts on line 444, looking something like

This method expects a $product object of type \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface passed, but by default this resolves to Magento\Catalog\Model\Product.

Looking down below on line 500, within a try statement, we see something like
You guessed well! $this->resourceModel is of type \Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product, declared as protected property on line 77.

So, again, the RESOURCE MODEL actually does the saving.

But now we can spot the difference. Specifically, in the following code.

All the code executed here, indeed, eventually may and will lead to differences in behavior between direct model save and this repository way of saving.

For example the product repository will get and process product links if the ignore_links_flag is set to 0, check if this is existing product in the first place etc.


Magento 2 has added yet another layer of abstraction towards working with models. With the downside of having a more complicated code for debugging, comes a positive moment where the model object is managed by yet another object, rather than directly instructed to do the things we like it to do. Often, these things are not there by default.

So, we probably need to conclude that if any need in the future to change how the product is saved, perhaps the better way to do it is by overriding the product repository instead of the product model.

The same goes for saving and updating products. I would prefer to use the product repository object over the product model object.

Thank you for reading this article!